We need red peonies with the name of the variety. The most popular varieties of peonies for gardeners to grow. Herbaceous red peonies

Peonies, the types of which differ in bud color and shape, are able to amaze even the most experienced gardeners with their diversity. They are one of the most beloved plants that are used for landscaping garden plots and summer cottages. In the world today there are up to 5,000 different varieties. At the same time, every year breeders develop more and more new ones.

Peony: plant description

This is a herbaceous perennial plant of the peony family. Tree-like subshrubs and shrubs can be found a little less frequently. Plant height is 30-150 cm. All types of peonies are valued for their beautiful appearance. The bushes are covered with large and luxurious flowers, the beauty of which is successfully emphasized by lush green leaves. Peonies can decorate absolutely any area. All varieties of peonies are used for single and group planting in mixborders and on lawns. In addition, they are grown for cutting.

Herbaceous peonies

These are perennial plants with powerful bushes with many erect simple stems. Height - 60-120 cm.

Herbaceous types of peonies differ in the type of flowers, the height and shape of the bush, the time of flowering, the presence or absence of aroma, the color and shape of the leaves, and the stability of the peduncles.

The aroma of peonies is quite diverse. Many varieties resemble the scent of roses, lily of the valley, lemon, lilac, linden, honey or jasmine. Milky-flowered peonies have a pleasant aroma, from which many hybrid peonies inherited it. There are also varieties with a sharp, unpleasant odor (for example, plants with coral flowers). Medicinal varieties have no odor.

Early peonies bloom from early to mid-June, middle ones - in the second half of June. Late peonies bloom from June 28 to July 10.

Depending on the structure of the flowers, the herbaceous peony is divided into five groups:

The color of the buds can be of various shades: red, white, pink, yellow, purple, ruby, etc.

Types of herbaceous peonies

The following types of peonies are of greatest importance for floriculture, striking in their variety of colors and shapes:

  • Peony Thin-leaved. Its homeland is Asia Minor, Central Europe and the Balkans. Plants have a height of 20-60 cm. The bush has a very beautiful shape, slightly spreading. The leaves are strongly dissected and lacy. The flowers are simple, not very large (10 cm in diameter), crimson in color. In the middle are yellow anthers. The aroma is very delicate. Flowering period is April-May.
  • Medicinal herbaceous peony, whose homeland is Southern Europe. The height of the bush reaches 70-80 cm. The plant has dissected leaves growing from the ground itself. The flowers are dark red, ruby ​​in color, odorless, diameter 9-13 cm. Blooms in summer, in early June.
  • Wittmann's peony. Homeland - Abkhazia, Western Transcaucasia. A bush up to 80 cm high with double- or triple-triple leaves, densely pubescent below. The flowers are solitary, yellow-white or yellow, 8-10 cm in diameter. The stamens are yellow. Peony blooms in May.
  • Mlokosevich's peony. Homeland - Eastern Transcaucasia. Height up to 100 cm. The leaves of the plant are twice trifoliate. The flowers are pale yellow or yellow, wide open, 10-12 cm in diameter. Flowering occurs in May.
  • Peony Milky-flowered. Homeland: Mongolia, Siberia, China. Height 60-120 cm, stems bare below, no leaves. Above the leaves there are two or more flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm, with white petals and golden stamens. The milky peony blooms from mid-June.

Depending on the height of the bush there are:

Low-growing peonies - up to 60 cm;

Medium height - 65-80 cm;

Tall - 80-150 cm.

The most common varieties of herbaceous peonies:

  • A la Mode - white flower (diameter up to 21 cm), in the center of which there is a pom-pom of bright yellow stamens. Flowering is abundant. Peony bush is erect, height 80 cm. Early variety. There are up to 7 buds on the stem.
  • Nancy- a peach-pink flower (up to 17 cm in diameter), very beautiful. The bush is erect, quite compact, densely leafy, up to 80 cm high. An early variety.
  • Aritina Nozen Glory- lilac-pink flower (diameter up to 20 cm). The bush is quite beautiful, height up to 70 cm, leaves and stems are light green. Very early variety.
  • America- a flower up to 21 cm in diameter, dark red, with bright yellow stamens collected in the form of a pompom. The bush has a rather beautiful shape, compact, its height is up to 75 cm. Each stem can contain up to 4 buds. The variety is an early one.


Herbaceous varieties can grow in one flowerbed without replanting for up to 20 years. Caring for peonies is not too difficult, as they are famous for their unpretentiousness. They have been cultivated for many years all over the world. Flowering time varies depending on the variety. To extend the flowering period, several different plants are planted in the flower beds at once, so you can decorate the area for 1.5-2 months.

Terry herbaceous peonies

This is one of the most common and popular groups of peonies, which include:

  • Crown peonies, the flower of which has 3 tiers. The middle and lower ones consist of wide and large petals arranged in one row. The highlight of such peonies is the crown of small petals, which are collected in a ring. As a rule, all tiers of such flowers differ in their shade. A distinctive feature of the variety is its large buds (20 cm in diameter). The main part of them has a cream or pink tint of varying intensity. Such peonies, the names of the varieties of which sound very aristocratic (Raspberry Sande, Top Brass, Duchess De Nemours), are considered the most popular.
  • Globular. Peony buds are round in shape. The bushes are most often medium-sized (up to 100 cm in height). The aroma of flowers is pleasant. The most popular varieties of this group are Monsieur Julie Eli, Red Charm, Pink Cameo.
  • Half pink peonies. There are many stamens collected in the center of the flower. The most popular varieties: Ballerina, Goody, Illini Bell.
  • Rosaceae. The flowers are shaped like roses. The following varieties are popular: Henry Boxtos, Mrs. Roosevelt, Solange.
  • Japanese peonies, whose flowers (20 cm in diameter) are distinguished by tenderness, elegance and lightness. Their petals are collected in 1-2 rows. In the center of the buds there are narrow stamens, the color of which may differ from the tone of the petals. The bushes are medium-sized and quite compact. White flowers - Boo Ti, Christine, Lotus Queen. Pink peonies - Kinsui, Largo, Westerner, Neon, Velma Atkinson, Rosellet; red flowers - in the varieties Charles Burgess, Barrington Bell, Nippon Parada, Akron, dark red - in Hot Chocolet, Chocolet Soulger, Walter Maines. Japanese peonies are considered the most fashionable today.
  • Anemone peonies They are distinguished by the presence of wide lower petals and short central ones, collected in the shape of a ball. The size of the flowers is 14-16 cm in diameter. The buds are one-color or two shades. Anemone-like species of peonies have compact, medium-height bushes. Flower growers are very fond of varieties such as Snow Mountain, Ruth Glue, and Rhapsody. The flowers belong to the transitional form from Japanese to double peonies.

Semi-double peonies

These varieties are distinguished by smaller flowers and rather compact bushes. The most popular peonies are Miss America, Sable, Cytheria, Lasters.

The flowers have several rows of petals (from 3 to 7) and many stamens. They can be located either in the center of the flower, in its middle part, or interspersed with the petals. The flowers are usually large but light, with rounded petals. Currently, semi-double varieties have become very popular.

Tree peonies

Flower growers in our country prefer to grow herbaceous varieties. But recently, tree peonies, which have been cultivated for many years in Asian countries, have also begun to gain popularity. Flowers are distinguished by great variety and beauty. Today, breeders have bred more than 500 different species of such plants.

Tree peonies are perennial plants with woody shoots. Every year the bush grows more and more. For successful wintering of plants, they must be securely covered with suitable materials, such as wood shavings, reeds, fallen leaves, spruce branches. Tree peonies in such conditions can survive even a very frosty winter.

Variety of tree peonies

Plants are divided into 3 main groups:

  • Sino-European peonies with double flowers. This group is distinguished by its large and heavy buds of a wide variety of colors. Due to the heaviness of the flowers, the stems can droop, so the bush often requires additional support, which reduces the decorative qualities of the plants.
  • Hybrid peonies Yellow and Delaway, thanks to their bright yellow buds, are the most popular.
  • Japanese tree-like double and semi-double varieties light buds decorate. Bushes of compact plants. Popular varieties of domestic selection: Smolin, August, Moscow University, Hoffman, Maria, Anastasia Sosnovets, Marianna, Vadim Tikhomirov, Stefan, Peter the Great, Vorobyovsky, Sergei Uspensky.

Purchasing peonies for planting

Planting material for tree-like varieties of peonies is more expensive than for herbaceous varieties. This is due, first of all, to the fact that growing it requires much more effort and time. On sale you can find unregistered peony seedlings that were brought from abroad. When purchasing them, flower growers risk losing all their bushes after harsh winters. That is why it is recommended to give preference to domestic, more cold-resistant varieties. The most popular peony seedlings of foreign selection are: Green Jade, Gold Placer, Midday Heat, which amaze with the beauty and splendor of their flowers, but they are not cold-resistant. It is better for beginning gardeners to give preference to herbaceous and tree-like peonies of domestic selection, such as, for example, Hoffmann, Peter the Great, Tatyana, Vorobyovsky, Muse.

The best varieties for a personal plot

Among the many different varieties of peonies, there are those that are popular all over the world, for example:

  • pink peonies - Princess Margaret, Livingston, Natalie, Goody, Cornelia Shaylor, Neon;
  • white peonies - George Nichols;
  • flowers in red shades - Helen Cowley, Red Rose, Red Grace, Diana Parks;
  • peonies with dark pink outer petals and a creamy center - White Cap;
  • double yellow peony - Bartzella.

Fragrant varieties

Such flowers attract not only their decorative qualities, but also their amazing aroma. These include: Corinne Versant, Moon River, Casablanca, Cora Stubbs, Karina, Emily Olson, Edens perfume, Mikado, Neon, Nancy Nora, Vogue, Postillion, Philomena, Pink Parfate, America, Sarah Bernhardt, Coral Sunset, World, Mister Ed, Tom Eckhardt.

ITO hybrids

The greatest demand today is for ITO hybrids of peonies. This one is named after the Japanese scientist who was the first to produce seedlings by crossing milky-flowering herbaceous peonies and yellow tree peonies. The Coral Sunset variety, which has beautiful coral flowers, is considered the best among this group. There are new varieties of chameleon peonies on sale, which are distinguished by the ability to change the shade of flowers depending on its stage of blooming. The best varieties:

  • after a while orange-peach - Julia Rose;
  • yellow peony with red-violet splashes - Lollipop;
  • red-yellow-orange peony - Coper Keith;
  • dark pink peony, later becoming creamy - Hilary.

Planting peonies

Plants grow in one place for many years, so they must be provided with everything they need. Planting is done in a sunny or slightly shaded place. The planting hole is dug 70x70 cm in size. A layer of soil with compost or manure is placed at the bottom.

You can also add superphosphate (100 g), potassium salt or potassium magnesia (50-100 g), and add lime (100-200 g) to acidic soil. For good and healthy growth, copper sulfate (1-2 tablespoons) is added.

A favorable time for planting or replanting plants is the period from late August to early September. It is also permissible to replant herbaceous and tree-like peonies in the spring before the buds awaken.

The secret of planting is not to bury the buds too deep: this may cause the plant to stop blooming. The buds should be located 3-5 cm from the soil surface.


Caring for peonies is quite simple. It consists of regular loosening and weeding. In May, peony (the description of varieties is given above) is fed. Cutting is not difficult, but you need to remember that for good flowering next year, half of the green leaves should remain on the bush.

The most time-consuming work is replanting well-rooted peony bushes, as well as dividing them. This activity will require brute male strength. The soil around the plants is carefully loosened with a pitchfork. With a sharp shovel, the far-reaching roots are cut off, and the peony bush is dug in widely.


Tree varieties of peonies are propagated by grafting, cuttings or seeds, but all these methods can give disappointing results for novice gardeners. It is better to stick to the traditional division of bushes.


On acidic and damp soils, peonies are often subject to diseases such as gray rot, fusarium, and wilt (sudden wilting of stems). Rust or powdery mildew may appear on the leaves.

Planting material price

The cost of peonies depends primarily on which group they belong to (herbaceous or tree-like). In addition, the price is affected by the shape, size and color of the flowers. The cost may vary depending on the prevalence of the plant. The newest varieties are usually the most expensive.

Peony is one of the oldest flowers on the planet. In China, its cultivation began more than 2000 years ago. There it was considered a “divine flower” and was revered by emperors. The famous Italian traveler, seeing the lush buds for the first time, gave them the following description: “huge roses, similar to cabbage.” Indeed, the luxury of petals folded in a varied order, their colors, sometimes combining two or three shades, the aroma - all this as a whole creates a unique impression.

Many interesting beliefs and legends are associated with peony. In China, it has always been regarded as a symbol of happiness and prosperity, so lush buds are still considered an excellent gift with best wishes.

In ancient Greece, it was used as a medicine that could cure 20 ailments. Americans generally loved it so much that in 1957 they made it the flower of one of the states, namely Indiana.

Couples who have been married for 12 years and are about to celebrate their nickel wedding typically decorate their home with peonies, the traditional flower of this anniversary. If a couple is just about to get married, then a lush bouquet of lush flowers will not only decorate the celebration, but will also speak of the beauty of feelings and the mutual desire to live a happy and prosperous life together.

Of course, everyone, without exception, is beautiful in their own way, but red peonies attract special attention with their bright colors, especially in combination with lush-leaved, bright green, openwork bushes. There are a great many varieties of flowers with red shades, but some of them are simply impossible to take your eyes off.

Herbaceous red peonies

The most popular variety, most often found in flower beds and front gardens, is the herbaceous peony. This is a perennial flower, the stems of which completely die off in the winter, and new ones grow from the root buds in the spring. They come in different varieties: early, medium, late, double, semi-double, Japanese, simple. The color scheme is also varied: peonies are red-white, pink, rose-red, cream, yellow, red, snow-white, burgundy, two-, three-color. The following varieties are interesting: Cardinal, Red Clouds and other varieties, which will be described in more detail below.

Variety Karl Rosenfeld

Semi-double peony Karl Rosenfeld is a variety originally from the Netherlands. Thin, wavy petals are painted in a dark ruby ​​color, neatly folded into a dense flower, 18-20 cm in diameter. The aroma is not sharp, of medium intensity. The height of the bushes reaches 80-85 cm; they are not prone to “falling apart” under the weight of the buds, since the stems are quite strong. The plant will decorate the front garden in a single planting or become a bright accent in a flower arrangement.

Variety Red Charm

The expressive and charming peony Red Charm (Charm) is classified as semi-double. Beet-red flowers emit a distinctive aroma. The outer petals resemble large scales, which serve as a kind of bowl for a looser, spherical center. The diameter of the flower is 20 cm. The bushes are powerful, spreading, their average height is 0.9 m. The beautiful Red Charm peony was bred by American breeders in the mid-forties, but every year its prevalence is only increasing.

Armani variety

One of the darkest - the Armani peony looks more than elegant. A characteristic feature of the variety is that dark garnet flowers become even darker over time. It looks sophisticated and elegant. The petals are of uniform color and the same shape - wide at the bottom and narrowed at the top, forming a ball with a diameter of 20 cm. The bushes grow tall - about 90 cm. Another interesting nuance - fluffy, dark green foliage looks unusually decorative even in the period when flowering has already ended. And the bushes look most impressive in the fall: at this time, the foliage and stems acquire bright, burgundy-red shades.

Red Grace variety

The early Red Grace peony will be one of the first to bloom. The crimson-red flowers look like fluffy pompoms. Their size is quite large - 18 cm in diameter. The same can be said about the height of the bush, which is rarely less than 90 cm. An unpretentious variety, it grows very quickly, produces bright and beautiful, very lush inflorescences. Shows good resistance to adverse environmental influences.

Variety Sword Dance

A real Japanese - this is how the Sword Dance peony can be called, speaking not only about the type of flower to which it belongs, but also about the name.

After all, the original name Sword Dance translates as “sword dance”. Like a real samurai, he fights for his original and excellent color. Its flowers do not lose the richness of their colors even under the influence of the brightest rays of the sun. And there is something to fight for: the outer bowl of the petals is red-lilac, and the inner staminodes are pale yellow with reddish stripes. Several stamens in the center of a light green hue create the impression of an internal glow of the flower. Its dimensions vary from 15 to 20 cm. The bushes are of average height - 80 cm, resistant to wind, bloom in mid-June. Cut bouquets will last in a vase for a long time.

Buckeye Bell variety

Of the semi-double varieties, the Buckeye Bell peony has a simply unforgettable appearance. Wide petals of red-brown color (with a slight burgundy tint) are arranged in 5-6 rows, forming a large bowl. The central stamens, bright yellow at the top and burgundy-pink at the base, look like a real golden crown. Externally, the flower resembles a burning torch. The diameter of the flower is 15 cm. It blooms in the early stages, depending on the climate zone, in late May - June. The stems are strong, dark green, hold flowers well, and reach a height of 80 cm.

Command Performance variety

When it comes to the biggest, boldest, most bombastic flowers, the Command Performance Peony ranks high. It looks gorgeous both on bushes and in bouquets. After all, the massive, purple-red, incredibly double buds, when fully blossomed, become simply colossal in size - from 20 to 25 cm. The plant is powerful, compact, about 80 cm high. It grows quickly and energetically, and amazingly decorates garden beds. The Henry Boxtos peony of Canadian selection has similar parameters. The only difference is that its petals are not loose inside, but are curled into a round bud, like a rose.

Variety Red Magic

The Red Magic milky-flowering peony will create magic with any plot of land, turning it into a colorful garden consisting of rich shades of its leaves and flowers. Terry, beet-red buds, unfolding, present to the light a fluffy terry ball of a great variety of petals of different shapes, and sometimes colors that change from dark pink to purple shades. Crimson spheres, coupled with dark green, carved leaves, will add expressiveness to any landscape design. If we talk about the dimensions of the bush, they are small compared to tall varieties: height – 80 cm, width – 50 cm. Flower diameter is from 17 to 15 cm. It blooms starting from the second half of June, and can withstand frosts down to -40°C in winter.

Variety Black Pearl

Thanks to its rich, dark burgundy color, the Black Pearl peony is one of the best dark-colored varieties. Its name speaks of the extraordinary value of the variety, because the cost of natural pearls in black tones is quite high. In addition, the petals are covered with gloss, like the gem of the same name. They are arranged in a flower according to the crown principle, forming a loose ball measuring 13x8 cm. It begins to bloom in the second half of June or towards the end of the first summer month. The bush is lush, small in height - 0.7-0.8 cm. Despite the strong stems, in some cases it requires a garter for support.

Variety Team Performance

At the end of the nineties of the 20th century, the Team Performance peony was bred in America - another excellent representative of red hybrid varieties. Since then he has received many awards at various exhibitions. Its flower caps are bright red, with a slight coral tint, and densely double. The petals are arranged compactly, neatly, dissected at the top. With prolonged flowering, they can lighten, succumbing to the sun. The flowers are large, up to 25 cm in diameter, and do not have side buds. The aroma is not very pronounced. It blooms in mid-June; in more southern regions, flowering may begin earlier - in the second half of May. The disadvantages include the mandatory construction of supports for a large-flowered variety, since even during ripening the heavy buds begin to pull the stems down.

Variety Nippon Beauty

Since the late twenties of the last century, the Nippon Beauty peony has occupied a leading position among varieties with a Japanese flower type. It reaches a diameter of 15 cm. Its middle is formed from many burgundy-yellow staminodes, and along the edge there are dark red, scale-like, large petals. But not only the flowers themselves are attractive to look at, their stems and leaves are also decorative. The shoots are painted burgundy-green, and dark malachite leaves serve as an additional decoration. The bush is small in height - 80-90 cm. It blooms late, towards the end of June.

Variety Peter Brand

The bright combination of colors that the Peter Brand peony has attracts attention at first glance. The flowers are double, 18 cm in diameter, dark burgundy, almost black, with a glossy sheen. The petals are larger on top, in the shape of a concave shell; inside they are smaller, forming whirlwinds of intricate shapes, and between them, in the central part, bright yellow stamens are visible. The stems are strong, the bushes are of medium height - about 80 cm. They are one of the later to bloom.

Variety Black Beauty

The darkest of the reds, the semi-double peony Black Beauty amazes with its discreet grace and play of polar different colors. Its cheerful, bright core is colored deep yellow thanks to numerous anthers. Around them, in five or six rows, are wide, as if made of wax, chocolate-burgundy petals. Such a sharp transition from simple grace to noble grace cannot but impress. That is why this variety is considered unusual, but at the same time an aristocratic, garden, decorative element. In terms of the dimensions of the inflorescences and the bush, it is classified as medium: the flower size is 12-15 cm, and the height of the stems is 80-90 cm. It shows good durability after cutting: the flowers do not crumble for about ten days. Blooms early and for a long period.

Variety Mackinac Grand

More recently, namely in 2014, the Mackinac Grand peony received a prestigious award and became the flower of the year. Its giant, semi-double flowers (18 cm) are bright scarlet, with large, wavy petals and fluffy, yellow pistils, truly deserving of a gold medal. The aroma is magnificent, matching the appearance. The bushes grow large in height - 0.9 m, the leaves are large, shiny, dark green. The buds bloom in the mid-early period (beginning or mid-July).

Variety Scarlet Heaven

A simple ITO peony Scarlet Heaven cannot boast of the splendor of flowers. But that doesn't make it any less beautiful. It was created by crossing herbaceous and tree varieties. Bright red, silky petals surround the flower in several rows. The middle consists of golden-yellow stamens arranged in a ring, inside of which there are red-pink pistils. After the “scarlet flower” has spread all its petals, its diameter will be approximately 15 cm. The bush is well leafy, the stems are erect, do not bend under the mass of buds, and grow up to 70 cm in height.

Variety Walter Maines

A dark red bowl filled with staminodes with a golden edging is what makes the Walter Maines peony a welcome guest in any flower bed. Its flower has a Japanese shape, in the form of a bowl, the diameter does not exceed 15 cm. Large outer petals are arranged in two rows, painted in a brownish-red hue, concave. Inside there are modified stamens (to match the main color scheme). A beige-yellow stripe stretched along their very edge not only makes them stand out from the general background, but also gives the blooming buds an incredible beauty. The aroma is very subtle, barely perceptible. The variety is easy to care for and blooms in mid-June.

Variety Diana Parks

The Diana Parks double peony is considered the reddest of the reds. Its rich, dark scarlet color with a slight orange tint, carved, lacy, light green leaves have earned many of the most commendable reviews. And this is far from an accident, because this color is considered the most unusual for interspecific herbaceous hybrids. The flowers are luxurious, very fluffy, when they open, they reach a size of 15-17 cm. The peculiarity of the variety is that the petals stay in the flowers for a long time and do not crumble. The bushes, 70 cm high, look great alone and in combination with other garden crops.

Variety Rubra Plena

Garden peony Rubra Plena is a type of medicinal representative of this species. Cherry-red pom-poms hang from bright green branches, creating the most stunning scenery in a summer garden. The diameter of one flower is 15-16 cm, the height of the bush is 65-70 cm. To prevent ruby ​​terry balls from sloping downwards, they need to be provided with reliable support. In terms of flowering time - early (May-June), frost resistance - high (up to -40°C).

Variety Peter Brand

The Peter Brand peony, a semi-double, herbaceous variety, has rare beauty. The flowers are dark red in color, with a yellow center of flowers, located on the shoot in 1-3 pieces. They are quite large - 15-20 cm. The petals border the flower in several rows, their upper part is carved, they themselves are concave with a silky gloss on the surface. They appear to be made from Japanese red-burgundy silk and are lined with golden fringe on the inside. Unlike most other varieties, its buds do not fade as the petals emerge, but acquire a more saturated shade than at the beginning of flowering.

Tree-like red peonies

By planting a red one in your garden plot, you can grow a wonderful flower tree with the largest and most beautiful scarlet flowers, up to 25-30 cm in diameter. Such a shrub will grow for a very long time - about 20 years. In China, there are specimens that are about 100 years old or more. But it blooms every year, starting from the third or fourth year of its life. If the seedlings were grafted onto a herbaceous peony, flowering will begin in the first year after planting. The following varieties are popular: Red Lotus, Red Dress, Red Silver, Dancing Dragon.

Its main difference from ordinary herbaceous peonies is its woody stems, which do not die in the winter, but only shed their leaves. It is completely unpretentious in care, but you need to remember that it breeds very poorly and does not like transplants. Otherwise it won't cause much trouble. All you need is to choose a sunny place (for some varieties, slightly shaded), protected from drafts, water, feed and loosen the soil, while removing weeds. Which red-flowered woody shrubs do gardeners love most?

The light red, crowned caps that decorate the Red Giant peony reach quite large sizes - 16x7 cm. Despite the fact that the bush is compact - 20-40 cm, it is literally dotted with coral-red balls. It is best to plant it in a semi-shaded place, and when planting a seedling, the hole should be well prepared: thoroughly watered and fertilized. This variety is characterized by excellent frost resistance.

Thin-leaved red peonies

The thin-leaved red peony differs from all other varieties due to its unusual foliage.

The shape of the leaves is needle-like, but they are not prickly at all, but, on the contrary, very tender. Against the background of light green, fluffy bushes, bright burgundy flowers light up like lanterns. They are simple in shape, consisting of one row of glossy, large petals, the core is made up of yellow anthers and pistils. It blooms for about a week, starting in the last days of May. The bushes are small, on average their height is 0.5 m. They are not capricious in cultivation.

The narrow-leaved peony grows not only in gardens. The thin-leaved peony is also found in an uncultivated, wild form - the Red Book of Russia contains a detailed description of it and prohibits the destruction of these beautiful steppe flowers, which in Rus' received many other names: Maryin Root, Azure Flower, Zhgun-grass and others.

In the 20th century, a milky-flowered peony with an unusual flower shape was brought to the USA and Europe from Japan: the flower has one or two rows of outer petals, and in the center there are stamens, which are transformed into reed petals.

The carpels were fertile, and the stamens were sterile. Pink, red or white outer petals together with yellow stamens gave the peony some originality.

Airy, light flowers, floating in the air like butterflies, began to be called “Japanese”. Foliage with corrugated edges also added exoticism to the peony.

The appearance of Japanese peonies did not at all coincide with the idea of ​​an impeccable flower form that had developed in the West. In the 19th century, Chinese peonies, varieties of milky peony, came to Europe from China.

For about 100 years, breeders, using peony varieties from China, worked to create double flowers with a huge number of petals.

The pink form was considered the best. Such a flower, characterized by smooth roundness, has large petals that densely fill the entire volume.

Until recently, all varieties of milky peony were called Chinese, although in appearance they no longer resemble the old Chinese cultivars.

The flowers of these peonies became a form that suited the tastes of the time. Today, cultivars of peonies with a pink shape are the most popular and most widespread in Russia.

It would seem that Japanese peonies will also repeat the fate of Chinese peonies - the name will remain, but the original varieties will completely disappear. But that did not happen.

The new peonies captivated many and became something to imitate. Western breeders began to breed similar varieties, and in the 20th century a group of peonies with a Japanese flower shape was added to the garden classification.

The number of Japanese peonies is increasing every year, today it is 10-15% of the assortment of herbaceous peonies, but many cultivars are not similar to each other.

Peonies came to Japan from China in the 8th century with Buddhist monks, so they can be classified as Chinese peonies. In accordance with modern taxonomy, they come from the species peony lactiflora.

Now we know that Japanese peonies were bred in several clubs in the country. Each club had its own rules regarding the shape of the flower.

For example, the famous peony variety " Kokaden", which was used by breeder Ito to develop the first intersectional hybrids, had white semi-double flowers.

Most of the current assortment of Japanese peonies is created in the USA. In central Russia, Japanese peonies are reliable and cold-resistant, grow well, entering the phase of lush flowering already 3 years after planting.

However, some varieties of Japanese peonies with red petals develop more slowly and begin to bloom luxuriantly several years later.

American breeders have developed interspecific hybrids of milk-flowering peony and medicinal peony with a Japanese form and an early flowering period. The most popular of them are red "Chocolit Soulger" And "Walter Maines".

The agricultural technology of Japanese peonies is traditional. Dark-colored peonies are best planted in places protected from the wind. These varieties are most often used for cutting into bouquets to create beautiful compositions and in landscaping.

All popular Japanese peonies are two-colored. In light pink and white varieties, the staminodes are usually yellow, and in dark-colored Japanese peonies, the bottom is the same color as the petals, but with golden tips.

The most common cultivars of milky-flowered peony with the Japanese form in Russia are the following:

with snow-white petals - "John van Leeuwen", "Boo T", "Dream Mist", "Cararra","Moon of Nippon "Yellow King";

with pink color - "Betty Grof", "Ama No Sodi", "Wes Turner", "Velma Atkinson", "Pearl Placer", "Kukeni Jishi", "Kinsui", "Surprise", "Neon", "Phase Top";

with red color - "Akron", "Charles Burgess", "Gay Pari", "White Cap".

Japanese peonies are very popular in Russia. Also, these peonies are convenient to use for selection as a mother plant.

Herbaceous peonies enjoy well-deserved love all over the world; gardens have been eagerly decorated with them since the 17th century. Thanks to the intensive work of breeders around the world, there are more than 5,000 varieties of these plants. About 500 varieties are cultivated in Russia, and these amazing flowers can be found in almost every corner of the country, even in Siberia.

Varieties of peonies

To navigate the variety of varieties, you need to understand the principle of classification of these colors.

Based on the structure of flowers, peonies are divided into:

  • non-double;
  • Japanese (their flowers are elegant and delicate, the bushes are compact, and in the center of the huge buds (over 20 cm) there are many long stamens, often colored differently than the petals);
  • anemone-shaped (with wide lower petals and short central ones, collected in the shape of a ball);
  • terry

In turn, terry peonies are divided according to the following principle:

  • crowned, consisting of 3 tiers (the highlight of these peonies is the crown of petals and very large flowers, up to 20 cm in diameter);
  • spherical, or otherwise bomb-shaped, with round buds (the varieties are very loved by gardeners for their spectacular appearance and intoxicating aroma of flowers);
  • rose-shaped;
  • semi-rose-shaped, with a large number of stamens in the center.

Popular terry varieties

Of course, flower growers give special preference to double varieties of peonies. They create bright accents in the garden, catching the eyes of owners and guests like a magnet. Let's get acquainted with varieties that are particularly original, have a pleasant aroma, differ in flowering time and, importantly, are well adapted to the Russian climate.

Crown peonies

The flowers of this variety of peonies consist of 3 tiers. The top one forms a “crown” of petals, hence the name of the group.

Globular (bomb-shaped) peonies

Rosaceous peonies

Non-double peonies

Among these varieties, sometimes surprisingly spectacular, super early and early varieties predominate. Sometimes you can admire this group of peonies in one composition with blooming tulips.

Japanese peonies

Japanese peonies have recently become wildly popular due to the huge variety of shades and the original shape of the inflorescence with long staminodes.

Dwarf peonies (patio)

A special group includes peonies that have a super-compact shape and do not exceed 60 cm in height. They are convenient to grow in mini-gardens on balconies, loggias, and in containers.

Selection does not stand still; every year new varieties and forms of peonies appear. One can only sympathize with the collectors of these amazing flowers. And what varieties should ordinary gardeners choose? Of course, those that sunk into the heart, evoked a response in the soul and are suitable in design for flower beds and compositions.

Photo credits: elena.andromeda2012,

One of the secrets of landscape design is the combination of plants of different heights. The mutually successful arrangement of low and high forms emphasizes the advantages of each other, and also serves as a decoration for the flaws of the garden plot. You don't have to be a professional to design your own garden. But every gardener needs to know the advantages, disadvantages and subtleties of agricultural technology of plants cultivated on the site.

One of the subshrubs that has become fashionable recently is the shrub, which differs from its herbaceous counterpart in many respects. This is a hybrid variety from the peony family, bred in China in ancient times. There are about five hundred varieties of plants in their homeland. New species are also being successfully developed in Japan, where the cultivation of tree peony has been elevated to the rank of a national tradition. Europeans first became acquainted with flowering shrubs in the 18th century, and since then its victorious march across the planet began.

In the diaries of travelers who visited the Land of the Rising Sun, the description of the tree peony contained the following lines: “A fragrant bush, in the shade of which you can hide, enjoying with delight its fragrant flowers, attracting both the human eye and numerous insects feasting on its nectar.” Indeed, the height of an adult hybrid varies from 1 to 2 meters.

Tree peonies are subshrubs with strong woody stems.

In autumn, sometimes their shoots do not die off, like those of herbaceous varieties, but from year to year they only become taller and stronger. During one season, the young bush adds 25-50 cm in height. The foliage of the hybrids is complex pinnate and lacy, the flowers are 12 cm or more. Among the varieties there are plants that form both double and simple buds, and the range of shades will be the envy of any artist. Woody hybrids bloom a couple of weeks earlier than herbaceous ones and remain in this form for 20-23 days.

Worthy representatives of the family - groups and varieties

The large number of varieties is not an easy task for classifying plants that is understandable to the common man. It will be useful for gardeners to know that tree peony varieties form three main groups:

  • Plants in pink-red tones, with large, slightly drooping double flowers - the Chinese-European segment of hybrids.
  • Subshrubs with small double or simple inflorescences protruding above the greenery - Japanese varieties.
  • Woody plants that bloom in yellow-orange colors are considered derivatives of the Delaway peony and belong to the group of yellow peonies.

Yellow varieties of crops

Sunny-colored varieties are the youngest representatives of the species, which have no analogues among herbaceous representatives. These are modern, but rapidly gaining popularity varieties.

Red varieties are a popular classic

The most common tree peony is red, characterized by lush summer flowering. The height depends on the variety and varies from 1 to 1.8 meters. The flowers are simple or double, 15 to 18 cm in diameter. The most famous varieties: “Silk Road”, “Flight of the Swallow”, “Red Clouds of Baiyuan”. Late tree peony Red giant is a medium-sized plant up to 1.5 meters. Forms 30-70 flowers depending on the age of the bush. The diameter of the crown-shaped inflorescences is 16 cm. The variety is frost-resistant, prefers slightly shaded places with fertile light soil.

Shades of pink – tenderness and aroma

Not far behind the scarlet flowers in beauty is the pink tree peony, which has several dozen varieties. Its inflorescences can be double spherical, both in the “August” variety, and simple (“Anastasia Sosnowets”).

In June, the Sapphire tree peony blooms, a shrub with inflorescences up to 16-18 cm in diameter. This medium-sized plant, 120 cm high, produces 50 simple flowers with silky light pink petals and a scarlet core.

Fragrant tree peony Transparent dew in the segment of pink varieties is distinguished by the bluish tint of delicate spherical flowers. Flowering later. The length of the stems of an adult bush is 130-150 cm. The number of flowers with a diameter of 20 cm starts from 30 pieces.

Mid-early tree peony Blue sapphire belongs to the pink-red Chinese group of subshrubs. Blooms in mid-June. It is distinguished by the beauty of its openwork complex leaves and tall growth. The flowers are blue-pink, with purple splashes, and reach 16 cm in diameter.

Late-blooming tree peony Green Ball is a plant with large pink-shaped flowers, 18 cm in diameter. The peculiarity of the variety is that at first the bud opens with delicate greenish balls, gradually changing the color of the petals to a soft pink translucent. The color shades of pink varieties vary from light, almost white, to rich dark. The species are well preserved in winter, but are susceptible to some diseases of the species, for example, gray rot.

All the colors of the rainbow

Unique green tree peonies belong to the Chinese-European group. For their delicate light green color, breeders often give them names after legumes.

The Green Bean peony is the best known of the species, a late-blooming plant with large, spherical flowers. “Lotus” is a violet tree peony, the owner of giant flowers, their size is about 25 cm. And the plant itself is compact, 120-130 cm. It is a profusely flowering woody shrub in the shape of a hemisphere, each with 30-70 fragrant purple ones with a yellow center simple flowers.

In the climate of Russia, blue tree peony is a rare phenomenon; these are heat-loving varieties of the plant. One of the oldest varieties of white tree peony “Primavera”, translated as “Spring”, is similar to another early flower - narcissus. Its inflorescences are double, with a yellowish pompom in the center. No less famous is the “Silk Veil” variety, which has exotic simple flowers that are snow-white with a purple base of the petals.

A special group includes the yellow tree peony, which distinguishes several dozen varieties. The range of shades has hundreds of options. This is the most modern group of peonies, which has its brightest representatives in our country: the light yellow “Bartzella”, the orange “Kinko”, the pale greenish-yellow variety “Ozarenie”.

Tree-like flowering shrubs - subtleties and tricks of growing

A flowering subshrub, displacing more familiar herbaceous species in the hearts of gardeners, within 3-4 years it turns from a small seedling into a one and a half meter hemisphere, decorated with openwork foliage and fragrant flowers. But for such a wonderful change, it is necessary to provide the plant with the necessary conditions and care worthy of the “king of flowers”.

Planting and caring for a young plant - where to plant a seedling

A perennial of the peony family, it is a long-liver; its age can go back several decades, so planting a tree-like peony in a well-chosen place is of paramount importance in caring for it.

Unpretentious in general, this shrub does not tolerate unnecessary disturbance to the roots, so it cannot be transplanted from place to place. Finding a site for a peony for a long time is what you need to take care of when purchasing a young shoot. The soil requirements for all groups are the same - it must be neutral, loamy and fertile.

You need to know several nuances of choosing a landing site:

  1. peony prefers sunny, well-ventilated areas, but protected from drafts and sharp gusts of wind;
  2. you should take into account the large size of an adult bush and think in advance about its proximity to other plants and construction projects in the garden;
  3. the most favorable place is a small hill, since spring flooding of the roots poses a considerable danger to the health of the plant.

In areas with high groundwater levels, care should be taken in advance about ways to drain them. Or arrange an artificial hill for the peony.

Before placing tree peony seedlings in the ground, you should take care of the favorable composition of the soil. This:

  • turf land;
  • clay;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • humus.

The soil must contain all the nutrients in the required quantities to give a start to the healthy growth and development of the seedling. If the soil of the site is acidic in composition, 1-2 cups of lime or bone meal should be added to the hole for the young bush.

How to plant a young bush correctly

The second most important task is how to plant a tree peony correctly. A hole is prepared for each seedling, at a distance of at least 2 meters from each other, 70-80 cm deep. Be sure to arrange a thick drainage layer (30-35 cm). Fertile soil is poured onto the drainage in the form of a hill, on which the seedling bush is placed. The roots are watered with enough water to straighten them out. Then they put enough soil into the hole so as not to cover the root collar. The seedling must be healthy, without visible damage, consist of 2-3 shoots with buds and healthy roots. The most suitable height for a young plant suitable for planting is 20-25 cm. The bush in the hole is watered abundantly, and the surface of the ground is sprinkled with dry soil or sand.

The time for the work described is autumn; planting a tree peony in the spring is irrational. In any months except August and September, propagating shrubs with seedlings carries the risk of getting a weak plant that is unable to cope with winter cold. In the spring, a young tree peony will begin to actively develop the ground part - shoots and leaves, and to prepare for winter, a healthy and strong root system is necessary. in the spring is possible only if it is a seedling not of a varietal type, but of a peony grafted onto a rootstock.

The Importance of Infant Growth

The first three to four years of shrub development are the most important. This time is the key to a healthy future and longevity. Timely and high-quality care for tree peony consists of following certain rules:

When the plant reaches the age of 3 years, seasonal crown formation begins. In the spring, remove weak branches damaged in winter. In autumn, the stems are trimmed to form a spherical crown.

Not only the shoots, but also the flowering parts of the plant require special treatment. Eat a few tricks on how to grow a tree peony with large flowers:

  • in the first year of life, the blooming flowers are removed so that the plant “throws all its energy” into strengthening the roots;
  • from the third year, a third of the formed buds are cut off from the bush so that the remaining ones are larger and more magnificent;
  • after 10 years, to renew the bush, it is heavily pruned in the fall.

During the first two years, on a young shoot, flowers are formed that are far from varietal qualities. You should not accuse seedling suppliers of dishonesty until three years have passed. All the floral splendor begins precisely during the fourth spring-summer season of the bush’s life.

Growing from seeds - stages of a troublesome journey

If it is not possible to purchase seedlings, then tree peony propagation is carried out using seed material. You can buy it in a store or prepare it yourself. This process is not easy, troublesome, and has its own subtleties:

Patient and painstaking cultivation is complicated by the fact that a peony from seeds will delight you with flowers only after 5 years. There is no guarantee that the seeds will retain all varietal qualities, since many lignified peonies are hybrid varieties, so flowers on plants from seeds can become another source disappointments.

Decorate life with color and aroma

It is impossible to list all the varieties of flowering shrubs, much less describe all the variety of shapes and shades inherent in them. Growing tall bushes is becoming more and more popular every season. Moreover, tree peonies in landscape design can satisfy the most demanding taste. These plants on the site will give you the aesthetic joy of admiring fantastic flowers of the most exotic colors. Of considerable importance in decorating life is the delicate but persistent aroma of fragrant bushes, spreading tens of meters around the floral splendor.

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