DIY money tree or topiary made from coins. Do-it-yourself topiary from coins: how to make with a master class, photos and videos Money tree from coins description

Money tree painting is one of the most sought after DIY projects. Such a picture is a solid gift for any holiday and just for the joy of loved ones. Money tree is perfect for any interior, as it has a neutral color without energetic colors.

There are various techniques for producing such images. It is generally accepted that the painting “Money Tree” with a crown of coins brings prosperity to its owners in the financial sphere.

Nuances of collage technique

What we need in our work:

  • base for wood, burlap or any other;
  • napkins or toilet paper;
  • acrylic paints in gold, black, silver;
  • ordinary water;
  • coins of any denomination;
  • foam sponge;
  • pencil and scissors;
  • cosmetic shine;
  • picture frame or photo frame with plywood without texture damage;
  • quick-drying glue and PVA glue.

A fabric base for the future canvas is cut from the prepared material. It must be placed on the plywood from the back of the photo frame or any other picture. The fabric is cut exactly to the size of the lining used and secured with glue. When the fabric base is no longer sticky and dry, a rough sketch of the tree is drawn.

PVA glue and plain water are diluted in a medium-sized container. The amount to be diluted should be 1:1. Paper napkins of any color are cut into strips 2 and 3 cm wide. The finished cut pieces are lightly dipped one at a time in a container with diluted glue.

On a note! Don't overdo it with glue on the paper, as it may fall apart.

The resulting strips are carefully and tightly rolled into tubes. Soaked strips of different widths will be used for different parts of the tree, thicker ones for the crown, thinner ones for the branches. Therefore, when twisting, you should pay attention to this and not confuse it. When a sufficient number of flagella are ready, leave them until completely dry.

On a fabric basis, at the location of the tree sketch, a small amount of glue is applied to the place where the crown is formed. Dried strands of paper are laid out on a layer of glue, forming roots, branches, and crown. The work is left until completely dry.

After preparing the wood, you can start gluing the coins. Coins must be pre-cleaned and degreased with alcohol tinctures or any detergents. To securely attach coins, it is better to use quick-drying glue. Glue banknotes as you wish, but be sure to cover all ends of the branches. The tree is ready.

The next stage is the design of the painting, that is, its painting. For this purpose, black aerosol paint is used, sprayed throughout the entire exhibition.

The top layer of gold paint has a wonderful combination. It is imperative that each coat of paint requires drying time.

To give a light shine, you need to go over the entire exhibition with a foam sponge with silver-colored acrylic paint, but without painting, but only dipping the work. After allowing time to dry, the final touch is performed - shading with acrylic gold paint, but only in coins. For shine, you can apply cosmetic gloss over the entire work, before it dries completely. The product is ready, left until completely dry.

Fix the finished fabric blank with a completely finished coin tree in a frame, and you can enjoy your individual work.

Trying to create a panel

To complete the work you will need:

  1. Dense plywood base;
  2. Putty and spatula;
  3. Masking tape;
  4. Paper napkins of any color;
  5. Item for sanding a painting;
  6. Glue "Moment";
  7. Acrylic paints black and gold;
  8. Foam sponge.

On the prepared base, a sketch of a tree trunk and a pebble on the ground is depicted. The drawn lines of the image are sealed with masking tape cut into narrow and short strips.

To perform the next step, putty and a spatula are required. The putty is applied using a tool to the pebbles and to the trunk of the future tree. The material is applied carefully, without bending the masking tape.

After 20 minutes, until the putty has dried completely, the strips of masking tape come off. The work waits until it dries completely, which is about another two hours.

When the work is completely dry, the top layer must be carefully passed with a sanding object.

The next stage of the work is gluing the coins in any order, but preferably at a maintained distance from each other.

PVA glue and plain water are diluted in a small container; the diluted amount should be 1:1. Napkins of any color are cut into shreds up to 2 cm wide. The finished cut pieces, one at a time, are lightly dipped into a container with diluted glue; do not overdo it with glue on the paper, as it may spread. The resulting strips are carefully and tightly twisted with your palms in the form of tubes. The finished bundles are glued one at a time between the coins.

After gluing the flagella, you can place more coins on top, which will create a volume effect.

After the glue has completely dried, black acrylic paint is applied over the painting. When the paint is dry, use a foam sponge and acrylic gold paint to cover the tree trunk, pebbles and coins.

The outline of the tree trunk and stones can be highlighted with a brush with gold paint.

Additional items can be added at the discretion of the master. The “Money Tree” panel is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

Also watch videos that show the stages of making a picture from coins.

A selection of master classes on how to make a money tree (topiary) from coins, banknotes and beads with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions and video tutorials.

Tools and materials Time: 6 hours Difficulty: 5/10

  • pistachio shells;
  • coins, souvenir bills;
  • beads;
  • Bath salt;
  • plastic plates;
  • coil of wire;
  • building gypsum;
  • golden paint;
  • small flower pot;
  • drill;
  • FUM tape or thread;
  • glue.

A tree that brings happiness. Who would refuse such a gift? We suggest making this magical tree with your own hands.

Money tree (topiary) golden color

We will need:

How to make a money tree

Step 1

We make holes in the pistachio shells. To do this we use our drill

Step 2

In order to make leaves for the tree, we will use wire and shells with holes made.

Cut 15-20 cm of wire and tie it to the shells

Step 3

Twist the wires into a spiral

Step 4

To get a small twig, twist several leaves together

Step 5

For a whole branch you need to connect 2 - 3 small ones. We try to replicate the structure of a real tree

Step 6

We connect several whole branches together - we get a small tree (to make it more natural, we copy the structure from living trees)

Step 7

To make the barrel strong, we wrap it with thread or FUM tape

Step 8

Apply golden paint

Step 9

While the paint dries, take a small pot and fill it with plaster. We stick the tree in and wait for it to harden.

Step 10

Painting the pot

Money tree made from coins

We will need:

  • Coins
  • Drill or drilling machine
  • Gold paint
  • Newspaper
  • Copper wire
  • Aluminum wire
  • Disposable plastic plates (deep and shallow) or pot
  • Glue (PVA and instant)
  • Stone
  • Gouache
  • Bath salt
  • Zelenka (if there is no green gouache)
  • Figurine of a toad with a coin in its mouth (optional)

Step 1

We take coins of the same size and make holes in them. To do this, use a drill or machine for drilling holes.

Step 2

In the place where we will paint the coins, we cover it with newspaper so as not to stain everything around. Lay out the coins and apply gold paint. Don't forget that they need to be painted on both sides.

Step 3

We make small branches. To do this, we fasten 3 coins with copper wire

Step 4

We make large branches. We fasten 3 small branches into one big one

Step 5

From aluminum wire, we make an American dollar sign (you can make any other one you like :))

Step 6

Connecting with copper wire

Step 7

Now we attach the large branches to the dollar sign. To do this we use copper wire

Step 8

Making a pot for a money tree. For this we need deep and shallow plastic plates, PVA glue diluted with water 1 to 1, which must be mixed with plaster. Fill a deep plate with the mixture, insert a chalk into it and fill everything again (tree trunk too). We put a stone on top, for beauty and to make the structure heavier.

Step 9

Take gouache and paint the trunk and pot with brown paint

*We also applied gold paint on top, you don’t have to do this

Step 10

For shine, we coat our wood with varnish

Step 11

That's not all, let's move on to decorating the tree. To do this, we use bath salt mixed with brilliant green or gouache. We glue it around the tree using Moment or any other instant glue

This master class is almost finished. For decoration, we added a toad with a coin in its mouth, you don't have to do this.

We will need:

  • Clay pot
  • Paralon cone
  • Wooden chopsticks (you can use sushi chopsticks)
  • Money
  • Pins
  • Toothpick
  • Paper
  • Scissors

How to make a money tree from banknotes

Step 1

Cut off part of the cone and put it in the pot

Step 2

Place a cone on wooden sticks and place it in the pot.

Step 3

Using pins, we attach the bent money to the cone. We do this gradually, in rows, starting from the bottom.

Step 4

After we hang the entire cone, we examine the tree from all sides so that there are no gaps

Step 5

Cut out a star from paper and glue it to a toothpick

Step 6

Place the star on the top of the cone

You can decorate a dollar tree with festive ribbons and bright tags

Beaded money tree (bonsai)

We will need:

  • Green beads
  • Copper wire (thick and thin)
  • Old plate
  • Foil
  • PVA glue
  • Construction gypsum
  • Gouache

How to make a money tree from beads (bonsai) with your own hands.

Step 1

We take a thin wire and string 9 pieces of beads - we get 1 small leaf. We make 5 of these things and connect them. It turns out to be a small twig

Step 2

Press all 5 branches to form a “heap”

Step 3

From such branches we make full-fledged branches. It all depends on your imagination and ability to be creative. You can make an unlimited number of them

Step 4

We take out thick wire and make a frame for the tree (note again, you don’t have to do it like we did, experiment). We connect thick twigs with thin wire

Step 5

Place it on a plate (pre-wrapped in foil) and see how it looks

Step 6

Lubricate the frame with the mixture (recipe: dilute glue and water 1 to 1 and add building plaster). Don’t forget to coat the bottom of the frame, this will act as a kind of stand

Step 7

Using thin wire, screw the branches to the frame

A money tree made of coins is a talisman that attracts wealth and prosperity to its owner. An amulet made with your own hands greatly enhances the positive flows, bestowing the owner with monetary luck.

The place where you place the tree also plays a special role. Feng Shui experts recommend keeping a talisman tree in the southern or eastern part of the house, because it is from there that the energy of abundance and wealth comes to us.

A talisman made with your own hands will bring you wealth only if you believe in its power and follow all the rules of care. It is also important to remember that the more leaves there are on the tree, the sooner the money will come to you. And to instantly attract money luck, use these three methods. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.01.2019 03:40

Everyone needs financial success. A handmade amulet will help you attract her. You can use a money talisman...

Today, paintings made by hand are gaining great popularity. They are a wonderful gift for a birthday, housewarming, wedding, or sometimes just because. The paintings made by hand are very individual and unique. Each of them carries a piece of the heat with which it was made. At the moment, there are many techniques for making paintings. We will consider one of them in detail today. It is believed that the painting “Money Tree” brings financial well-being to the house.

Wallpaper (burlap or fabric may be suitable);
- three-layer napkins 3-4 pieces or toilet paper;
- acrylic paints (black, gold, silver);
- foam sponge;
- foam sponge;
- shine - glitter (can be found in cosmetic stores);
-frame for photographs (or for a painting);
- PVA glue (a quick-drying or heat gun will also work).

Step-by-step description of the work. First stage. It is necessary to cut out the base blank for the future painting. Having disassembled the photo frame, place the back part of the plywood on the wallpaper (burlap or fabric), trace it with a pencil and cut it out. Glue the blank onto the front part of the plywood using glue. Once the wallpaper is dry, paint a sample of the tree.
Second phase. You need to add a little PVA glue (approximately 1:1) to a plate with water. Three-layer napkins must be cut into pieces of different widths of 2–3 cm.

When the strips are cut, take one at a time and carefully dip it into a plate with liquid, but do not get it too wet, as the napkin may spread. At an angle of 45 degrees, carefully begin to twist them into tubes with your palms. If possible, it is better to twist tightly. Different widths of the strips are necessary in the future to form the crown of the tree (thicker for the crown, thinner for the branches). When you have wound a sufficient number of flagella, leave them until completely dry.
Third stage. Apply a small layer of PVA glue to the workpiece, in the place where the crown of the future tree is drawn. Place twisted paper flagella one by one on a damp surface, giving a bend to the tree, forming branches, roots and crown.

Fourth stage. Before gluing coins, they must be degreased. It is best to degrease with alcohol or detergents (for glass or dishwashing). The tree crown is ready and dried.

Use quick-drying glue (if not, use a glue gun) to glue the coins.

Fifth stage. The tree is completely assembled. All that's left is to paint it.

Spray everything thoroughly with black acrylic spray paint. Allow the paint to dry, adding an additional coat of gold spray paint if necessary. Dip a dry foam sponge into silver acrylic paint and go over the entire picture.

Do not press hard on the canvas, lightly, as if rubbing the color. Allow time to dry again.
Sixth stage. Using a dry foam sponge, dipping it into gold-colored acrylic paint, blend it only over the coins.

This article will tell you the secrets of creating a money tree with your own hands for your home or as a gift.

How to make a money tree with your own hands from banknotes: step-by-step instructions

The money tree is a powerful talisman for the home, which will definitely bring prosperity and prosperity to its owners, allowing positive energy to enter the living space, attracting money.

Money talismans are different. This can be a living crassula tree (popularly called the “money tree” and its uses are not only decorative, but also medicinal), it must be surrounded with red thread, and a real coin is placed at the bottom of the pot. A handmade talisman is also suitable - topiary or figurine.

Most often, crafts in the form of a tree are made from banknotes. Real money, of course, has great “magic”, but even artificial ones (souvenir bills) are suitable, because they are a symbol of well-being.

Exists some of the most common ideas for making a talisman from banknotes and every day inventive masters come up with new ones. In any case, you will need a base for the tree, its foundation, so to speak. It could be a pot in which you secure the trunk using glue, plasticine or clay.

You will need it pipe or real tree branch in order to make a trunk. But you will form the crown of the tree from the bills themselves. To do this, you can use a foam base, which can easily be bought for pennies at a craft store. There they come in different sizes and shapes.

Money tree ideas from banknotes:

A variant of the money talisman is a fat woman, decorated with banknotes rolled into a tube.
A simple version of the “money tree” - decorating a real branch with banknotes in the form of flowers
Miniature “money tree” made of wire with souvenir miniature bills
"Money Tree" and other souvenirs made from gold coins

"Money tree" of coins and bills and coins in a pot

Unusual “money tree” with bills and coins
Banknotes on a foam base can be attached using paper clips or needles
Lush “money tree” on a foam base made from 1000 ruble bills
“Money tree” of bills and coins in the shape of a sunflower

Lush unusual “money tree” made from miniature souvenir bills

A beautiful “money tree” made from a variety of banknotes from around the world The easiest way to make a spectacular “money tree” is to roll the bills into a cone

INTERESTING: Another popular way to make a “money tree” is to embroider it with a cross on a special fabric and then decorate it with banknotes and other elements. This amulet can be hung on the wall like a picture.

Embroidered "money tree" decorated with dollar bills
Embroidered “money tree” decorated with ruble bills

Embroidered "money tree" decorated with bills and coins

Money tree - money topiary

Do “money talisman” in the form of topiary- the most common type of craft that attracts wealth and well-being to the home. Topiary looks like a small tree growing from a pot. This tree must have a lush crown of a round or other shape (cone, heart, oval, etc.) All materials for topiary can be purchased in a craft store.

You will need:

  • Potty– it is desirable that it be a miniature flower pot made of clay or ceramics (heavy, because the craft needs to be stable). Give preference to a beautiful painted pot in advance, or purchase a clean pot that you can decorate yourself.
  • Tree trunk- this can be a wooden stick, a tube-sleeve from cling film or parchment (look in the kitchen), a real tree branch (crooked or straight), a pencil and much more. As a rule, the trunk should be covered with a layer of paint or glue, and then wrapped with canvas thread (called “brushwood”, sold in household stores or craft departments).
  • Styrofoam ball– it’s easy to buy in the arts and crafts department. It is not expensive and has several size options (small, medium, large). The ball is very light and easy to work with: any material is attached with needles or glue.
  • Various decorative elements– they are necessary in order to decorate the finished product and give it an aesthetic appearance: corrugated paper, colored paper, decorative coins, flowers, insects, ribbons and much more.

“Money trees” in the form of topiary are talismans of prosperity for the home:

“Money tree” in the form of topiary - a creative approach

"Money tree" decorated with flowers made from banknotes
Several types of “money tree” made from coins: painted from bologna
Topiary made from rolled up banknotes and Chinese “lucky” coins Unusual money tree made from coffee beans and coins
Different types of money tree topiary

DIY money tree made from dollars

Step-by-step creation of a “money tree” from dollars (or other bills):

  • : pot, trunk, plaster base, plastic ball, souvenir bills and glue (hot, rubber or instant drying).
  • First of all the trunk should be prepared. To do this, a stick or twig is covered with glue and wrapped with decorative thread or ribbon. You can simply open it with acrylic paint, which is not washed off with water.
  • After preparing the barrel, he secured in a pot. Place a plastic ball on the stick and secure it. After this, insert the stick into the pot and secure it. For these purposes, you can use a gypsum base, which will dry and become a kind of “foundation”. Or simply stick a stick into the plasticine, press it to the bottom of the pot, and fill the rest of the space with drainage, decorative or real pebbles.
  • Prepare the bills for gluing. To do this, roll them into a cone. The sharp corner of the cone should be pressed with your fingers and turned to one side so that this part is glued.
  • Banknotes should be glued with powerful and “fast” glue so that they do not have the opportunity to become deformed or quickly detach from the base.
  • The finished tree with banknotes can be additionally decorated with other elements optionally from a craft store.

How to twist a cone out of a banknote for a “money tree”?
Instead of a cone, you can twist a banknote into a butterfly

DIY money tree as a wedding gift: congratulations on the gift

It's no secret that Engi is the best wedding gift. But what if this gift is presented in an unusual way? A banal envelope with banknotes no longer surprises anyone, does not give joy and pleasant memories. Beautiful An alternative to an envelope or postcard would be topiary or a “money tree.”

Such a gift you can make it yourself by rolling real banknotes, not souvenirs. This must be done carefully so as not to spoil the money - it is best to twist it into a tube and tie it on a thread. Such a gift should be presented solemnly and so that everyone can appreciate your originality. Don’t be shy about choosing special poems and congratulations to literally “charge” your gift with positive energy.

Options for a “money tree” for a wedding gift:

Tree with dollars as a wedding gift

“Money tree” in the form of embroidery with banknotes attached Real money tree with banknotes as a wedding gift “Money tree” made from real coins as a gift for newlyweds Tree decorated with flowers made from real banknotes
An unusual way to give money to newlyweds

How to present a “money tree” to newlyweds, in what words:

This day is wonderful and important
I want to congratulate you with a gift.
I am not afraid of this symbol of trouble,
With it you will be both full and sweet!

My gift is not simple,
There is power in it
A bright gold coin
It will increase your property!

The money tree can be magical
Bring you joy, prosperity and luck.
I give you a sincere gift from my soul
May it give you happiness, love and inspiration!

The best gift is, of course, a contribution,
Cash contribution for great development.
My gift to you is a treasure tree,
Find bills and coins in it!

I want to give you a money tree,
Not simple, golden, with a little secret.
You put it at home and store it carefully,
It will be a joy to give it to you both in winter and in summer!

DIY money tree as an anniversary gift: congratulations on the gift

You can give a “money tree” not only for a wedding, but also for any other occasion. For example, for an anniversary. With your gift you will wish the hero of the day prosperity and happy, “well-fed” days. In addition, your gift will “hide” a real amount of money, as they say, “for a rainy day.”

Give a gift with beautiful congratulatory words:

Anniversary, what a date! We urgently need to congratulate
Kiss, wish for prosperity and give gifts!
I give you a tree with a bright red ribbon,
Let my surprise please you with every branch!

I will give you an unusual tree as a gift,
Prosperity and well-being are hidden in it.
I wish you happiness, monetary, personal,
Let only the best accompany you in life!

I give you a simple gift -
Bouquet of wishes and banknotes.
May grace be with you
May every day be filled with joy!

Happy anniversary, dear, receive a gift!
The tree is magical, “rich”, happy.
May your every new day be cheerful, bright,
You, my dear, will live well and beautifully!

“Money tree” is a good anniversary gift

DIY money tree as a birthday gift: congratulations on the gift

“Money Tree” is an unusual gift for any birthday. You can beautifully present any amount of money in an original way.

Congratulatory words:

I congratulate you, my friend, on your birthday,
Accept a tree as a gift, not just a tree of money!
May it give you the best moments,
You keep it and spend the bills very carefully!

How much I want to say
Only on your birthday,
I will give you my humble gift
I plant: “What a tree of happiness!”

Accept my sincere gift,
After all, this is handmade
And this tree is magical:
There is prosperity in it, joy, care!

Unusual “money” tree as a birthday gift You can give a “money tree” for your birthday

DIY money tree as a gift for the New Year: congratulations on the gift

You can give your loved ones a money tree for the New Year holidays - this is a good and original gift that will be remembered for a long time.

Congratulatory words:

The Christmas tree is sparkling,
And under it is my cash gift,
There is wealth hidden in this tree,
Be content, rich and serene!

May this symbol bring you good luck,
It will open many happiest roads.
Let the money tree solve your problems,
He will give you something that he couldn’t buy for himself!

A beautiful tree is a lucky talisman for you,
It will give you a lot of joy, goodness, and prosperity.
There is a hidden power in him that will throw the whole world at his feet,
A secret that will bring you only the best!

An unusual New Year's gift - a “money” tree

How to make a money tree with your own hands from coins: step-by-step instructions

How to make a tree out of coins:

  • Prepare all necessary materials: pot, trunk, plaster base, plastic ball, real or souvenir coins.
  • At first the trunk should be prepared. To do this, a stick or twig is covered with glue and wrapped with decorative thread or ribbon.
  • After preparing the barrel, he secured in a pot. Place a plastic ball on the stick and secure it. Secure the stick in the pot.
  • The plastic base ball is covered with glue(not completely). Quickly glue the coins by smearing them with glue on one side. You should not completely glue the coin, as it will leave “gaps” and the craft will not look neat.

Money tree made from coins in a cup instead of a pot

DIY money tree made from beads

You can make a money tree not only from bills and coins. Souvenirs made by hand from beads are extremely popular.

What is important in creating a “money tree” from beads:

  • The color of the wood plays an important role! Since you are creating an amulet and talisman for your home, choose “money colors”: green, gold or red.
  • Making a tree is not difficult: You will need thin copper wire and a lot of beads (watch the video).
  • Enhance the magical properties of wood Additional decoration will help - Chinese coins, which attract money and prosperity. You can buy them in craft stores.
  • The finished tree should be planted in a miniature pot., at the bottom of which you should put a coin with the number 5 (5 or 5 kopecks, 5 rubles, 5 cents, etc.).

Beaded “money tree” options:

Green "money" tree made of beads
Golden “money” tree made of beads A large “money” tree made of coins and beads - a talisman for the home
"Money tree" bonsai made of beads, coins and minerals

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